The Borromeo String Quartet Plays Beethoven
Last night we were treated to a spectacular chamber music concert at Monadnock Music in Peterborough, N.H.: as the highlight, the Borromeo String Quartet presented Beethoven’s String Quartet in E-flat, Op. 127 with a combination of precision and passion that took one’s breath away.
In a previous post, I suggested that great art has some sort [...]
Gene Robinson on Civility
We had the privilege of hearing Gene Robinson speak at the Monadnock Summer Lyceum last week. Among other things, his talk offered an unusually profound perspective on what is normally referred to as “civility.”
Keeping Busy in Southern New Hampshire
This has been a very busy week — who says you have to live in the city to have a full menu of cultural offerings.
Art and Crafts
Yesterday Serafin and I drove up to Lake Sunapee to visit the annual fair of the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen (it runs through Sunday, the 9th). She had been there before, but it was my first time in the 23 summers I’ve lived in the state. I was stunned and delighted by [...]